Training Course23-31 May 2014 | Chernivtsi, Ukraine
This Training Course is about spreading the social message through the street art, contemporary art, community art, fine art, just art.
7 day training course “Take apART”. 
– is unusual project for youth leaders and youngsters who want to believe in the power of art; 
– 7/24 of discussions, new experience, movie-watching, art-making, making photos and sightseeing;
– is about spreading the social message through the street art, contemporary art, community art, fine art, just art..; 
– consists of the lectures about Ai Wei Wei, JR, Banksy, Keith Haring and their ways of changing the world.
Forty youngsters from EU and Neighboring Partner Regions will discuss the methods of changing the society through the art. The main question of the training is “How Can Art Change The World?”. 
During the TC participants will have a chance to express themselves through group discussion activity, workshops, simulation exercises, games, etc. Participants will also have time and space to organize cultural evenings, introduce their organizations and exchange experiences. 
TC will take place in near city Chernivtsi, Ukraine order to apply please find in the attachment questionary for participants.
Available downloads:
Your kind of training?
Apply now!Application deadline: 15 March 2014Date of selection: 31 March 2014

Training overview

This Training Course is

for 40 participants

from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Czech Republic, Georgia, Greece, Latvia, Portugal

and recommended for

Youth workers, Youth leaders, Project managers, Youngsters

Working language(s):


Organizer:Chernivtsi cell of allukrainian organiation “PORA!”(NGO/Others)

 Contact for questions:

Kristina Borhes


Phone: +380991787977

Transport to event place will be 70% reimbursed. Meals and accommodation will be 100% covered.